
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Who Am I? - 1 Thes 5:23

FF-Who am I?
January 20, 2013
1 Thes 5:23


  • Who am I?
  • Sometimes we wonder at the things we have done, and ask ourselves, how could I have done this or that, what made me do it, etc.
  • I used to have a struggle with using foul language
  • When I was in high school, using the f-word was commonplace.
  • I was a Christian, I knew it was wrong and dishonoring to Jesus, and yet I could not seem to kick it
  • It made me wonder about myself, what caused this thing to have such power in my head?
  • At the same time I was struggling to not view pornography
  • Was I the worst person around?
  • I felt like a failure, and my adult life had barely started
  • I was a Christian who had given his life to Jesus
  • Yet, somehow, sin had found a foothold in my thinking, and each time I used the language, or was tempted with pornography I felt as low as could be
I couldn't understand why
  • I tried to be a good Christian
  • I had been baptized, I served in my church
  • I tried to pray regularly, I read the Bible
  • And yet I had these major struggles
  • Why?

God's intention for us

  • Jesus told us that the good shepherd, speaking of himself, has come that we might have life, and that more abundantly
  • Jesus wants us to have an abundant life, not a life that is totally short-changed because of constant struggle and disappointment in ourselves
  • He contrasts this with the thief who comes only to kill, steal and destroy

So, who am I?
  • I am a mixture of good and bad
  • God created us good, but we have allowed sin into our lives
  • Adam was the first one to fall for the enemy's sweet-talk
  • He listened, believed the lies, and rebelled against God
  • As a result, we all have the same battle to fight - to not believe the enemy's lies, and instead to be 100% loyal to God

What were we like when God created us?
  • Gen 1:26 - Let us make man in our image, in our likeness
  • So in what ways are we created in God's likeness?
    • we think
    • we have emotions
    • we are creative
    • we have a basic shape
  • But we are told God is spirit (Jn 4:24)
  • Does man have a spirit component?
  • You can't weigh or measure spirit
  • And yet it is there
  • 1 Thes 5:23 - "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
  • We are made up of three parts
  • Spirit, soul and body

  • What is this spirit part of us?
    • Each of us has been created with a human spirit, which makes us living, thinking, living human beings
    • When we become alive as an embryo, that spirit is what makes us alive
    • Gen 2:7 God breathed into man the breath of life (breath, spirit of man)
    • At the end of our lives that human spirit returns to God
    • Ecclesiastes 12:7 - dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it
    • Our human spirit is that part of us that is dead or neutral before Jesus gives us life
    • 2Corinthians 3:6 "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life."
    • It is through our spirit that we are able to connect to God
    • When we accept Jesus he comes to make his home with us
    • John 14:23
    • He comes to dwell in our spirit, and he makes us alive spiritually
    • A relationship is started which will never be extinguished

    The enemy
    • But through this spirit we also have connection with the dark side
    • These are fallen angels who rebelled against God, and lost the battle
    • God is still stronger than they think they are
    • They try to rob us of our joy, they torment us, they tell us lies and threaten us and try to control us
    • But God is stronger than they are



    • Recognizing that we have a spiritual component, is a part of recognizing who we are!
    • When we understand our makeup as people, we can understand why it is that we have had such struggles to do the right thing
    • God's intention is for us to live abundantly, as His children!
    • So there is a way out of this tormented struggle
    • Come along next week for more about who we are: spirit, soul, and body
    • If anyone here tonight wants to be set free from demonic oppression, and be prayed for, come and see me afterwards.

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