Sunday, February 3, 2013

Baptism - an expression of faith - Matt 28:19-20

Baptism - an expression of faith!
February 3, 2013
Matt 28:19-20 

  • This evening we will be baptizing a number of people
  • But why do we baptize?
  • Why is it important to take this step?
  • Today I want to talk about different aspects of baptism, and then we will witness 7 people taking this step of obedience

A commandment
  • The new testament church recognizes two ordinances given by Jesus
  • These ordinances are each a commanded ceremony, which pictures the saving work of Jesus
  • These ordinances were instituted by Jesus, taught by the apostles and practiced by the early church
  • They are:
  • The ordinance of communion
    • Commanded - Mat 26:26-29
    • Taught - 1 Cor 11:23-26
    • Practiced - Acts 2:42 (breaking of bread), 1 Cor 11:17-33
  • The ordinance of baptism
    • Commanded - Matt 28:19-20
    • Taught - Rom 6:3-4, Acts 19:1-5
    • Practiced - Acts 2:41, 8:36-39

  • What is the meaning of baptism?
    • Romans 6:3-4
    • Just as Jesus died and was buried, carrying the sins of the world, when we go into the water it symbolizes us burying our old way of life, with all its sins, in a watery grave
    • Just as Jesus was resurrected from the dead, our coming up out of the water represents our being raised to new life!
    • The ceremony of baptism represents the salvation that happened inside us when we accepted Jesus

    How should we be baptized?
    • The new testament example of baptism is always by immersion, in other words by being dipped or submerged in water
    • The greek word baptizo is used for this, around 80 times in the new testament. It means to immerse or submerge. No other greek word is ever used for baptism
    • The greek word rantizo is used 4 times in the new testament (Heb 9:13, 19, 21, 10:22). It means to sprinkle and is never used for baptism
    • Examples are:
      • Jesus baptism - Mat 3:13-17
      • Ethiopian eunuch - Acts 8:36-39

    Why be baptized?
    • To be obedient to Jesus commandment
    • As a public testimony that we have repented of our sins, and are now followers of Jesus
    • Sometimes we may feel the need to be rebaptized
      • if our original baptism was not understood at the time
      • if we were not baptized in the new testament manner
      • if we have walked away from the Lord and want to rededicate our lives to him

    Prerequisite for membership in a local church
    • Just as receiving the Holy Spirit adds believers in our Lord Jesus Christ to the Church which is His body (1 Cor 12:13), so water baptism is the means by which believers are publicly inducted into discipleship (Matthew 28:19-20) and added to the local church.
    • The New Testament teaches the following order of events: people heard the message regarding Christ, responded in saving faith, were baptized and united with the local body of believers - Acts 2:41-41

    • Baptism is is an outward expression of the change that happened in our heart when we repented of our sins, and asked Jesus to be our personal Lord and Savior
    • It is a ceremony Jesus commanded
    • It is a public testimony that we are followers of Jesus


    1 comment:

    1. Jesus never verified what Paul wrote thus indicating any made up stories can be present in the New Testament.

      None of the Church Father ever quote Matthew 28:19 or 1John5:7 in their early days, however in the 4th century concept of 'three gods in oneness' were added to the original texts of Matthew 28:19 and 1John 5:7 thus showing how twisted were the minds of men inventing lies.

      Early Church Fathers believed that there is only One Father the creator, creating all including God Son and Holy Spirit.
